Pickleball is a popular paddle sport. It can be played in singles or doubles. Pickleball doubles is played by two teams of two players each. On a court that is about one-fourth the size of a standard tennis court. 

Table of Contents

Benefits of Playing Pickleball Doubles 

Playing pickleball doubles rules provides a great cardiovascular workout. While also improving hand-eye coordination and reflexes. It can also be a great social activity, allowing players to connect with others and make new friends

Importance of Knowing the Rules

Knowing the rules of pickleball doubles is important to ensure a fair and competitive game. It also helps players avoid penalties and violations. It can result in losing points or even the game.

Basic Rules of Pickleball Doubles 

Court Dimensions and Line Markings 

A pickleball doubles court is 20 feet wide and 44 feet long. With a net in the middle, that is 36 inches high at the ends and 34 inches high in the middle. The court is marked with various lines that denote the service areas, non-volley zone, and boundary lines.

Serving Rules 

In pickleball doubles, the server must be hit underhand and diagonally across the net. The server must stand behind the baseline and serve from the right-hand service court on the first serve, and from the left-hand service court on the second serve. The serve must land within the opponent’s service court and clear the net.

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Scoring System 

Pickleball doubles uses a rally scoring system, where a point is awarded to the serving team if the receiving team commits a fault. The first team to score 11 points, with a two-point advantage, wins the game. A match is usually best-of-three games.

Faults and Violations

Pickleball doubles have several faults and violations. These can result in losing a point or the serve.

Switching Sides

In pickleball doubles, players swit-9ch sides after each point, allowing for equal play on both sides of the court.

Strategies for Playing Pickleball Doubles

Communication and Teamwork Effective communication. And teamwork is crucial for success in pickleball doubles. Players should communicate with each other to ensure that they are in the right position and to coordinate shots.

Shot Selection

Players in pickleball doubles should vary their shots to keep the opponents guessing. This includes hitting deep shots, lobs, and drop shots.

Serving Tactics

Serving in pickleball doubles rules can be used to gain an advantage over opponents. This includes hitting a service that is difficult to return. Such as a deep serve or a short serve that lands in the non-volley zone.

Return of Serve

The return of serve in pickleball doubles is crucial to gain control of the rally. Players should aim to hit a deep and accurate return and to avoid hitting the ball into the non-volley zone.

Advanced Techniques for Pickleball Doubles


Dinking is a technique that involves hitting the ball softly over the net, with a low trajectory, and landing it just over the non-volley zone. This is often used to force opponents to hit a weak shot or make a mistake. To execute a dink, players should use a gentle flick of the wrist and follow through with the paddle.

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Lobbying is a technique that involves hitting the ball high over the opponent’s head and landing it deep in the back of the court. This can be used to counter aggressive opponents who are rushing the net. To execute a lob, players should use a long swing and hit the ball with a topspin to give it height and depth.

Drop Shots

Drop shots are a technique that involves hitting the ball softly, with a low trajectory, and landing it just over the net. This can be used to catch opponents off guard and force them to run up to the net. To execute a drop shot, players should use a gentle flick of the wrist and follow through with the paddle.

Practice Drills for Pickleball Doubles 

Cross Court Dinking Drill

This drill involves hitting dinks cross-court while keeping the ball low and landing it just over the net. This can help players improve their accuracy and control.

Three-on-Two Drill 

This drill involves playing three players against two, with the three players rotating positions. This can help players improve their court coverage and communication skills.

Defending the Lob Drill 

This drill involves practicing defending against lobs, by moving back quickly and hitting a high, defensive shot. This can help players improve their footwork and defensive skills.


In conclusion, pickleball doubles is a fun and exciting sport. It requires teamwork, communication, and strategy. By following the basic rules and techniques. As well as practicing advanced techniques and participating in tournaments. Players can improve their skills and enjoy the sport even more. Remember to stay focused, and communicate effectively with your partner. It always strives to improve your game. With dedication and practice, anyone can become a skilled pickleball doubles player.